Technology Specialist
Q: Describe your job in three or more words.
A: Rewarding, Understanding, & Fun
Q: Preferred hot beverage?
A: Hot Chocolate
Q: What inspires you? What is your favorite quote?
A: One of my main inspirations is music. I love music, so much. Great songs move people. The creativity and talent that it takes to make music amaze me in a wonderful way and with that gets me in a mood to take on the day and resolve challenges I haven't faced before. Happiness is a close second in list of inspirations. When you see that look on someone’s face or hear that tone in their voice when they are smiling and their body language is open and forthcoming, that happiness is inspiring and makes me want to help others to make them feel the same way when they are having a rough day at work or in life. I would say one of my favorite quotes is: "We're at the tippy top of the mountain, but we're really only half-way there." It means even when you think you're at the top of your game, doing the best you can be doing, there's always room for improvement and to do better and that's what you need to strive for.
Q: iPhone or Android?
A: Android
Q: What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
A: I enjoy playing video games all year round and cooking on the grill/flat top any chance I get. In the summer, going fishing and riding my bike (soon to be motorcycle) as well as hanging out at friends' house and having bonfires. I'd love to go camping more often, but the time to do so is scarce. In the winter I turn into a hobbit and don't like togo out and do anything at all. You'll find me watching movies, cleaning the house or attempting to cook on the stovetop.
Q: What is your walk out song?
A: Well, this might come as an interesting choice, by my personality, most people wouldn't think I wouldn't listen to this sort of music and once they find out, they are caught off guard. But I would have to say if I had to choose one song to walk out to, it would be 'Immortal by Lorna Shore'. But I do have a much more ear friendly song, that would be 'Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy' by Fall Out Boy.
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